
Each output module in MyDef will automatically include a sandard macro def file. For output_win32, this is std_win32.def.

We will simply walk through this include file.

include: std_c.def
include: ext.def
include: win32/windows.def
include: win32/gdi.def

We are still writing C, so std_c.def. ext.def provides macros for writing second layer MyDef extensions (we'll cover that in the extension part of this book). win32/windows.def deals with macros for register and create windows. win32/gdi.def deals with macros to faciliate GDI routines.

subcode: win32_autoload
    $uselib user32
    $register_prefix(ui) UINT
    $register_prefix(lpstr) LPSTR

    $register_prefix(hwnd) HWND
    $register_prefix(hdc) HDC
    $register_prefix(hmenu) HMENU
    $register_prefix(rect) RECT
    $register_prefix(hfont) HFONT

    $register_prefix(bmph) BITMAPINFOHEADER
    $register_prefix(bmp) DWORD *

    $define(snprintf) sprintf_s

Some windows specific data types. By register_prefix, variable names such as hwnd_main will automatically having a type 'HWND'.

subcode: basic_frame
    $call @global
    $list WinMain

fncode: WinMain
    $call main2

The basic_frame so the following would work:

page: test, basic_frame
    code lines

The code under the page will become subcode: main2 (as the subcode main is taken by the basic_frame).

subcode: win_main(mainname)
    $call register_wndclass, "$(mainname)", WndProc_main
    $call create_window, hwnd_main, "$(mainname)"
    $call win_show, hwnd_main

This macro is rather created for hello world demo :). Practically, it is often desirable to write register_wndclass, create_window and win_show directly as we often need customize the window class, window size, insert code in between, etc.

Unlike typical frameworks, we are not writing wrappers. We are in fact writing win32 code as in Microsoft's original Hello World example, except we have established some conventions so we do not have to repeat ourselves.

Let's note the name of window procedure WndProc_main. The convention we adopted here is always use the pattern WndProc_name and the name here will be used to connect all window message handlers. For example, here we use WndProc_main, so if we later define a subcode:

subcode: main_on_WM_PAINT
    code 1
    code 2

The code will essentially become a switch case inside WndProc_main:

case WM_PAINT:
    code 1
    code 2

With this convention, rather than writing a super long window procedrue functon, we can organize the code according to their context.

subcode: win_show(hwnd)
    ShowWindow($(hwnd), n_cmdshow)

subcode: win_loop
    $local MSG msg
    $while GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)>0

If you are familiar with windows programming, then these are straight forward.

Remember, we are merely writing conventions here. When specific customzation is needed, either write new specific subcode or simply write these function calls directly.

The rest of std_win32.def is simply a collection of convenience routines. Feel free to explore on your own or even add in your own routines.

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